
Cynthia Pearson

Target: Front page news on Sunday, January 9, 1994


Brian O'Neill's column of December 16, 1993 yielded 11 letters from his readers, who recounted 36 dreams. Four judges were in unanimous agreement that two of those dreams contained content that later appeared in the Post-Gazette on January 9 1994. Both of these "hits" were of a photograph of a 66-year-old widow, Helen Lang, holding a framed photograph of her husband as a young serviceman. The accompanying story concerned his exposure to radiation while serving in the Army in the 1940s and 50s, and the government's failure to take responsibility for his symptoms of radiation exposure. He died of cancer at age 39. This story was paired with another on government sponsored radiation experiments on humans.

The judges remarked on the correspondence with "family photo," "a married person," "a woman's photo from the shoulders up," the appearance of an older woman, and the concurrence of the time period of the young serviceman with the era of Eleanor Roosevelt.

The judges commented on correlations with "concealing medical records" as well the woman under court order. Not only does Helen Lang report on the Army's withholding information on her husband's medical condition, but the accompanying article states: "At the direction of Energy Secretary Hazel O'Leary her department has vowed to 'come clean' on human radiation experiments..." The dreamer's publishing a picture of a young man corresponded with the published photograph of young Walter Lang. He too appears thin-faced and dark-haired, and faces the right side of the page. Finally, the smokestack images of Hitler and Mussolini reminded the judges of the era of the young serviceman. For some judges, those heads also served as an meaningful metaphor for the lethal pollution of radiation.

The next report covers a precognitive dream experiment conducted with memebrs of a dream study class.

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